Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to our Mentoring Workshop! - A message from Ken

    • A Message from Ken

  • 2

    Class 1: The Challenges of Teens & Young Adults and How Mentoring Can Transform These Challenges

  • 3

    Class 2: General Anxiety in Young Adults

    • Notes Module 1 Class 02

    • Handout Sheets Class 2

    • 2/1: List of Today's Subjects - Overview of the 5 Anxiety Systems

    • 2/2: Working and Non-Working Habits - Systems and Hacks to the Systems

    • 2/3: Body-Based Anxiety: Hack 1 Deep Breathing and Hack 2 (Grounding Visualization)

    • 2/4: Grounding Visualization Exercise

    • 2/5: Distance Based Anxiety: Hack 18 – Leaving the Room; Leaving the House: Landmarks & Targets

    • 2/6: Six Steps to Become Anxiety Free; Case Study: Shravya - Perfectionism

    • 2/7: Upcoming lessons - Homework - Ken's Thought for the Day

    • Recap Quiz Class 2

  • 4

    Class 3: Mind-Based Anxiety and Low Self-Esteem

    • Notes: Module 1 Class 03

    • Handout Sheets Class 03

    • 3/1: List of Today's Subjects and Brief Explanation

    • 3/2: Review the Five Anxiety Systems and Mind-Based Anxiety Systems

    • 3/3: Internal and External Forces Creating Negative Self-Speak

    • 3/4: Hacks for Mind-Based Anxiety: Hack 5 Positive Self-Speak

    • 3/5: Mind-Based Anxiety: Hack 6 Self-Speak Loops

    • 3/6: Case Study: Jonah – Negative Self-Speak

    • 3/7: Upcoming Lessons - Homework - Ken's Thought for the Day

    • Recap Quiz Class 3

  • 5

    Class 4: Totem-Based Anxiety and School Failures

    • Notes: Class 04

    • Handout Sheets Class 04

    • 4/1: List of Today's Subjects – What is Totem-Based Anxiety?

    • 4/2: Working and Non-Working Habits in Object and Action-Based Totems.

    • 4/3: Hack Review - School and Work Failures – The Real Reasons (Relationship Totems)

    • 4/4: Object-Based Totem - Hack 11 Piercing the Target

    • 4/5: Action-Based Totem - Hack 12 Toe in the Water

    • 4/6 Recap & Upcoming Lessons - Homework - Ken's Thought for the Day

    • Recap Quiz Class 4

  • 6

    Class 5: Mind-Based Anxiety and Communication Issues

    • Class 5 Handout Sheets

    • 5/1: List of Today's Subjects – Mind-Based Anxiety & Virtual and Face Time Communication Issues

    • 5/2: Communication Issues in Cyberdonians: What and Why?

    • 5/3: Virtual Communication – Working and Non-Working Habits - Hack 7 Piercing the Target

    • 5/4: Case Study Darcy

    • 5/5: Face Time Communication – Working and Non-Working Habits - Hack 8 Shrinking the Breadcrumb – Case Study: Conor

    • 5/6: Recap & Upcoming Lessons - Homework - Ken's Thought for the Day

    • Recap Quiz Class 5

  • 7

    Class 6: Depression in Young Adults (External Triggers)

    • Class 6 Handout Sheets

    • 6/1: List of Today's Subjects – The Two Forms of Depression and Triggers

    • 6/2: Working with Medical Professionals – How is Depression Different These Days? Enlisting Medical Support

    • 6/3: Non-Working Habits and Working Habits for Depression

    • 6/4: Hack 20 for Incident-Based Trauma – Case Study: Parker

    • 6/5: Trauma Based on Changing Dynamics – Hack 21 – Case Study: Bohai

    • 6/6: Recap - Upcoming Lessons - Homework - Ken's Thought for the Day

    • Recap Quiz Class 6

  • 8

    Class 7: Depression in Young Adults (Internal Triggers) Time-Based Anxiety and Executive Functioning

    • Class 7 Handout Sheets 1/2

    • Class 7 Handout Sheets 2/2

    • 7/1: List of Today's Subjects – Time-Based Anxiety

    • 7/2: Time-Based Anxiety: Working and Non-Working Habits and Hack 15

    • 7/3: Depression Based on Executive Functioning – Working and Non-Working Habits

    • 7/4: Hack 25 – Planning is Your Friend – Case Study: Sam – Tertiary Dyslexia

    • 7/5: Recap - Upcoming Lessons - Homework - Ken's Thought for the Day

    • Recap Quiz Class 7

  • 9

    Class 8: Social Challenges and Trouble Making Friends

    • Class 8 Handout Sheets

    • 8/1: List of Today's Subjects – Communication According to Cyberdonians

    • 8/2: Building Good Communication Skills – Emails

    • 8/3: Building Good Communication Skills - Phone Calls

    • 8/4: The Advantage of Good Communication Skills and Trouble Making Friends

    • 8/5: Recap - Upcoming Lessons - Homework - Ken's Thought for the Day

    • Recap Quiz Class 8

  • 10

    Class 9: Anger Issues

    • Class 9 Handout Sheets

    • 9/1: List of Today's Subjects – What Drives Young Adults to Respond with Anger

    • 9/2: Mentoring Systems for Anger

    • 9/3: Case Study – Donna (Passive Aggressive)

    • 9/4: Using Our Mentoring System for Anger Issues

    • 9/5: Transforming Anger into Positive Power

    • 9/6: Recap - Upcoming Lessons - Homework - Ken's Thought for the Day

    • Recap Quiz Class 9

  • 11

    Class 10: The Truth About ADD / ADHD

    • Class 10 Handout Sheets 1/2

    • Class 10 Handout Sheets 2/2

    • 10/1: List of Today's Subjects – A Middle School Teacher’s Take on ADHD Meds

    • 10/2: The People ADHD Meds Have Saved – The Danger of Instant Cures

    • 10/3: The Four Ingredients of Eliminating ADD 75% the Time

    • 10/4: Transforming a Fast Mind Into a Working Mind – Case Study: Alexei – Ferrari Brain

    • 10/5: Recap - Upcoming Lessons - Homework - Ken's Thought for the Day

    • Recap Quiz Class 10

  • 12

    Class 11: Introduction to School and Work

    • NOTES Module 1 Class 11: Introduction to School and Work

    • Handout Sheets Class 11

    • 11/1: List of Today's Subjects – About School and Work

    • 11/2: Communication: Emails, Phone, In Person

    • 11/3: Time Management

    • 11/4: Case Study: Lorcan (Communication)

    • 11/5: Recap - Upcoming Lessons - Homework - Ken's Thought for the Day

    • Recap Quiz Class 11

  • 13

    Class 12: Video Games, Pot and Phone Addictions

    • Class 12 Handout Sheets

    • 12/1: List of Today's Subjects – The Meaning of Addiction

    • 12/2: The Genesis of Addiction

    • 12/3: The Target That Will Manifest Generative Passion

    • 12/4: Video Game Addiction

    • 12/5: Pot Addiction

    • 12/6: Phone Addiction – Case Study – Ramin – Transferring Passion

    • 12/7: Recap - Upcoming Lessons - Homework - Ken's Thought for the Day

    • Recap Quiz Class 12

  • 14

    Class 13: Being a Mentor in the 21st Century & Overview of Section II

    • Class 13 Handout Sheets

    • 13/1: List of Today's Subjects – Mentoring Before Cyberdonians

    • 13/2: Why is Mentoring Different Now?

    • 13/3: Using Challenges to Create a Generation of Change & How to Use Module 1

    • 13/4: Module II: You’ve Learned the Illnesses and Cures Now Learn the Tools and How to Use Them

    • 13/5: Recap – Exam Prep and Homework - Ken's Thought for This Module

    • Recap Quiz Class 13